Friday, June 15, 2007

I am Happy

This peom is dedicated to my dad,
Happy Father's Day, Dad!

Today I am happy as I sit here tonight,

Being blessed by God and all his might.
We sit here together enjoying a meal,
Each of us knowing this gift must be real.

Six people, six chairs,
All sitting together.
Not forgetting of course,
The seventh, our savior.

The life, the love, the laughs,
It's all a big blur,
But, God remembers it all,
That part is for sure.

As we drive home,
I feel like a dove.
Flying away,
Feeling the love.

We pull in the driveway,
And we're welcomed again.
The love is everlasting,
I believe. Amen.


Penguin said...

your blog has so many religious references!! (and yes, i'm reading the whole thing now.. well, i kinda skipped over the wizard of oz thing- too long) i'm not saying religious allusions are bad, or anything, i use them plenty enough myself. but overall its much happier than what i'm used to. to understand, read any of the following three blogs:,, or (only starting from june 2008 though).

hsmelon33 said...

:D haha. thanks?? i guess. haha.