Have you ever wondered; do Tom and Jerry play baseball? The answer is yes. You see, when Tom and Jerry aren't starring in the famous television sensation "Tom and Jerry", which causes them to act as though they extremely dislike each other, they are really good friends. However, because of their tight schedules they seem to never have time to just have fun. Because of this dilemma the best buds decided to take the summer months off. This enabled them to play a sport that they both love, together; baseball.
Before when the dynamic duo would play baseball together it would never be an organized sport, however this year is different. After a wonderful season of "Tom and Jerry" Tom and Jerry were ready to do something spectacular, after all, Jerry was turning the big 1-0! Hooray! The decision was made! But wait a minute, how can two unexperienced unorganized cartoons run a baseball league all on their own? Why not call up some of their old co-workers?
And together they formed The Terrific Team of Tunes, starting with Tom, president; Jerry, commissioner; Coyote, uniform; Road Runner, head equipment; Tweety, head umpire; and ending with Taz, assistant equipment. O and in case your wondering, Taz promised before the first game not to eat the equipment!
So the next time you are playing baseball, or perhaps just a game of catch remember these things: be safe, have fun, and never forget The Terrific Team of Tunes. They may be playing right now away from the rest of the world, in my and your, imagination!
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