Friday, February 2, 2007

Important Things to Remember...

Many ideals are becoming reality.
-Taken from Jones Soda C.O. TM cap

"The secret of life isn't what happens to you,
but what you do with what happens to you"
-Norman Vincent Peale

Let your hope make you glad.
Be patient in time of trouble
and never stop praying.
-Romans 12:12

Don't let anyone steal your dream

There's no place like home!
-The Wizard of Oz

John Smith: "Pocahontas, that tree is talking to me."
Pocahontas: "Then you should talk back."

1 comment:

Emily said...

I love that Pocahontas quote! I am in the middle of watching all my Disney movies again, so I am on The Little Mermaid and may hit Monsters, Inc. tonight.

Tell me what you think of Bridge to Terebithia--maybe we can see the movie together! I loved that book when I read it in grade school. In fact, I was about your age.